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Hearing European Commission „Lifelong Learning“

Minutes of the meeting « Public Hearing on Adult Education »,
4 of October 2007.

This meeting was organized by EUCIS-LLL, in the Offices of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels.

G.Van Steene was invited to this meeting as ETDF representative.

During this meeting, Marta Ferreira Lourenco (DGEC of the EC, General Direction of Education and Culture, Head of the Unit A3) has given us a lecture on the progress of the Life Long Learning in Europe.
LLL in Europe is not going well; money invested in this field is decreasing since the last years. They are some reasons of that: lack of good training adapted to adults, need for a vision and a strategy for the deployment, lack of support from the states….

To progress we would need:
– to develop Innovation way of learning and to think out of the box …
– to involve other categories of actors than only unions representatives. Unions are only a small part of the stakeholders
– to clarify and avoid the confusion between culture, education and adult training. Those activities are still directly connected to the states. EC must take the leadership at the level of Europe, and more just provide proposals.
– to collect facts and accurate data on the LLL, in order to monitor the progress
– to reduce the gap between “education world” and “adult training world”.

Some proposals were given during the Q&A session:
– Why not to promote inter-age learning: young people by senior people and vice versa
– Involve more effectively T&D specialists associations, and let them be part of the new decisions of the EC.

Marta Ferreira Lourenco announced us that EC wish to create an official network, with representatives of all the states (3-4 people by state) and some research specialists from academic world with the mission to develop new tactics to develop LLL.

She asked us to take the initiative to propose ideas to her concerning LLL.

The Grundvig projects were just a first step and she announced that EC will develop new and larger types of project. She told us that a coordination office will take care about “sharing information” between the different projects.

At the end of the meeting, Jean-Marc Roirant, president of EUCIS LLL told me that ETDF is a very important partner in this platform, because ETDF is in a specific market segment (T&D in the private organizations) and he highlighted the fact that we have a unique knowledge in this field. He is interested to collaborate with ETDF in future activities. Perhaps could we invite him to our next meeting in Brussels to speak about that?

Georges Vansteene
Delegierter des ETDF  –

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